

Safety and Security


Security Coverage

The building is supervised by security staff 7:00 AM to 11:00PM, Monday to Friday. The security office is located in the main lobby of the building, and serves as the central monitoring station of all security and life safety systems. Suspicious and/or criminal behaviour should be reported so that Security may respond effectively.


Security Desk

Phone: 604-317-5958

Contact Tenant Services

Phone: 1-877-977-2262

Email: [email protected]


Medical Emergencies

Emergency 911

Nearest Hospital – St. Paul’s Hospital at 1081 Burrard Street: 604-682-2344

Ambulance: 604-872-5151


Security Escorts

‘Safewalk’ is a service provided to our tenants free of charge, upon request. Our security guards are able to provide an escort, at any time of the day, within property boundaries. For example, if you or someone in your office would like to be accompanied to their vehicles in the parkade after hours, contact the Security desk by contacting QuadReal CONNECT.

Tenant Manuals

Tenant Forms

Vendor Information